Meet the Influencers: Alice Bennett, the cake creator
Alice Bennett, aka Miss Trixie, lives by Julia Child’s adage: “A party without cake is just a meeting.” Based in Melbourne, Alice founded her baking business, Miss Trixie Drinks Tea, off the back of her successful blog and Instagram account, @misstrixiedrinkstea, where she exhibits creations, divulges recipes and shares inspiration for her characterful cakes.
Where did your story begin—how did you get into cakes?
I grew up in a family where food was everything. My mum used to be a chef, so I was always surrounded by delicious home-cooked meals and treats. Although my mum didn't bake that much, she did teach me most of what I know, particularly as I have a vicious sweet tooth. I really got into cakes and cake decorating because I love the idea of taking a blank canvas and transforming it into something amazing.
What was your motivation for starting MissTrixie on Instagram?
I’m not even sure when I started it, but probably six years ago. I know I was a bit late to the party; so many people were telling me to get on board as I was already baking and taking photos of everything I made. So my friends certainly motivated me to get on Instagram—stat!
Do you see yourself as an “influencer”, and if so, what does that mean to you?
No, not really. I think that's just because I sit in the baking/cooking world, rather than the lifestyle/fashion sector. But I do love it when I see people try my recipes, be inspired by my creations and share their own—that just melts my heart. I really do love to have engaging and meaningful conversations with my followers. If they ask me for tips, I give them. If they ask for advice, I'm always happy to help!
When did you start becoming so influential?
Golly I don't know if I'm so influential—but I do remember a post where I made this doughnut cake and that just went ballistic. My phone was pinging and I was gaining followers by the minute, it was pretty amazing. I was astounded that people were so in love with a cake I made.
Miss Trixie Easter cake. Image by Griffin Simm.
Do you have any golden rules for life / work on social media?
Only post content that you are genuinely proud of. Don't post 'just because'. Also, don't give unsolicited advice and stick to what you know best, and do that well. For example, I'm not out there posting about my savoury cooking, because that's not what Trixie is about. She's a sweet gal.
You’ve developed a pretty recognisable tone of voice for Miss Trixie—is it more of a reflection of your own or is it something you've honed in relation to the brand and your audience?
Both—I'm pretty outgoing and I want Miss Trix to be seen as that. Over time, I've allowed Miss Trix to be a bit more risqué with the tone of voice and not so sweet and innocent. I've always had really positive feedback when it comes to my copy, captions and names of my cakes (I always name them!)
What's your biggest tip for building an audience?
Staying true to brand identity and being engaging as humanly possible—respond to those that comment on your post, thank people for sharing your content, give followers a behind-the-scenes encounter. And collaborate with other creatives when you feel it's going to be a match made in heaven.
What keeps you going with Miss Trixie when things get busy with work and life?
Well luckily Miss Trixie is my passion, so it really does keep me going when work and life get a bit crazy. It's my creative outlet.
What has been your favourite cake to bake ever?
A crazy over-the-top Halloween cake I did a couple of years ago has honestly been my favourite to date. I remember my Dad was so impressed and he normally doesn't really say too much as he's seen so many now. And any wedding cakes I do for friends—they're so special.
What has been the best opportunity given to you thanks to your online success?
I am so blessed. I have worked with some amazing brands (like Disney!) and I've been able to do recipes and articles for some online publications. But really, it's enabled me to really explore my creative talent and learn about running a small business.
This piece and a range of other articles are featured in the ALHAUS magazine print annual. Order your copy from Boutique Mags today.